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giovedì 18 novembre 2010

National Tracksuit Day by Adidas

Snoop Dogg è il testimonial (e chi meglio di lui!) del National Tracksuit Day. Sull'onda del più celebre Casual Friday, l'usanza tutta americana di andare in ufficio vestiti in maniera meno formale e più comoda, Adidas ha invitato gli utenti via Twitter a indossare la tuta, sì la tuta con le tre strisce. Domani, 19 novembre, è il giorno scelto per la prima 'giornata nazionale della tuta'.

Whether you’re a Hip-Hop icon, a High School cheerleading coach (or cheerleader), an up and coming Jedi Knight, a wing-adoring fashion designer, a dude with a killer sneaker blog or a Senior trying to look fresh at the Prom; we know that you know that there is something special about adidas Originals Tracksuits. Donning an adidas tracksuit provides and instant boost of Originality and it’s ALWAYS a good fashion choice. From the Firebird and Hooded Flock to the Beckenbauer; vintage to super-new, there’s an adidas Tracksuit for every moment. How can you participate? It’s simple -- just show the world your stripes! On the 19th, we expect to see the three stripes walking down every street, through every school hallway and around every gym and quad in the country. And we want you to document it. 

Qui c'è la pagina Facebook in cui segnalare la propria adesione al movimento. 

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