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giovedì 10 giugno 2010

All hail McQueen, Tyra Banks too

Tyra Banks (che trovo strepitosa, sempre) omaggia il genio creativo di Alexander McQueen indossando alcune delle sue ultime creazioni per il servizio fotografico All hail McQueen insieme a André Leon Talley, redattore capo di Vogue America.

Queste le parole di Tyra Banks:
When I heard of Alexander McQueen’s passing back in February I was devastated. Not only was he one of my favorite designers, he was someone that I had been lucky enough to meet and was a wonderful human being. The day that he passed the world lost a truly amazing person. I knew that I had to pay him tribute in a special way. I decided that I also wanted to do a photo shoot decked out in H2T McQueen. McQueen was considered royalty in the fashion community. I feel like a queen whenever I wear his clothes (especially the stunning blue dress I wore for this shoot)! I hope that you like the royal tribute that André and I (and lil’ Gianni too!) put together for him! McQueen had a flare for the dramatic and a love for fantasy. I would like to think that he would have loved these photos. These are the words of top model Tyra Banks about the death of Alexander McQueen and these photos are her gift for we and for the fashion system. Artistic photos and moving phrases.

"McQueen had a flare for the dramatic and a love for fantasy" proprio per questi motivi sono sicura che lo shooting voluto dalla poliedrica Tyra gli sarebbe piaciuto.

Photographer: Sarah Silver
Stylist: Beagy Zielinski
Blue Dress: Alexander McQueen
Blue Dress Jewelry: Rodrigo Otazu
Queen Costume: Costume Salon
King Costume: Chado Ralph Rucci
Princess Costumes: Kevin Mayes

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